Clara Bohnsack

Student/Technical Artist


Hey there! :)

I am a student from Lübeck who loves games and the industry around them with a passion. Currently, I am studying "Information Technology and Design"; a program including technical skills like object-oriented programming and image processing, as well as artistic subjects like 3D modeling and audio design. I am thankful for the wide span of skills needed for game development that has been taught to me and just applied to a Master’s program in Game Development. In my free time, I love to read fantasy and classic books. Also, I travel whenever I can. Primarily Northern countries catch my interest quite often. I also worked as a barista, so I can make a mean Mocca! If you’d like to know more about me and my projects please go ahead and look through my portfolio. Alternatively do not hesitate to contact me over LinkedIn or by mail.

My Skills

Game Engines

Unreal Engine 4 & 5

Unity Engine

Programming Languages



Python, Pygame





Adobe Photoshop

Adobe AfterEffects

Adobe Illustrator

My Projects


As a project for the university course "Stereography and immersive media," I developed the virtual reality game "Constellations". The player finds himself on a picnic blanket and can examine existing constellations or create new ones using the VR controllers. The starry sky was created using the Yale Bright Star Catalog. It is thus identical to ours. The game was developed in the Unity Engine, and the PICO Neo 3 Pro was used during development. Video

Tales of Lübeck

In my study program, all students will develop two big design projects. I combined both of them into one large project - Tales of Lübeck. For one semester, I created the Android app in Unity. For the second semester, my classmate Timo Mantey and I set up the connection to a database and further functions. The User Interface and illustrations were made in Adobe Illustrator by myself. Tales of Lübeck is a productivity app tailor-made for my university. It is structured like an RPG, meaning you can create and customize your avatar and complete quests for rewards in the form of money and XP. The money allows you to unlock new hairstyles, while the XP will help you level up. Additionally, using the player's location and a QR code, the player can check into buildings on campus to gain further XP. Besides the interactive functions, the app includes information about campus life, events, activities, and local student discounts. Video


Electroheart was designed as part of the course “2D Game Prototyping” and was the first Unity project I ever made. The platformer can be played by two players with unique abilities. The players have to work together to make it through the two levels. There are enemies that spawn from time to time that the players can fight. I presented the game at the Lübeck Nordic Film Days and the Intersections Festival in Groningen, Netherlands. itch.io

The Cheesy Resistance

During my time at the Utrecht Summer School my team developed the puzzle game “The Cheesy Resistance”. The summer school was set up like a Game Jam, so we were given a topic: Cats. My group decided to flip the script and create a game where the player takes the role of a mouse being hunted by a cat. Throughout the level, the player has to find ways to kill the cat with the help of their environment, e.g. items that can be combined to trap the cat. We received great feedback as our game was named “Most polished game”. itch.io


The game was made for a Game Jam hosted by the European Hansemuseum, a museum showcasing the story of the Hanse organization. The topic at hand was their exhibition about garments and fabrics in the times of the Hanse. I teamed up with two friends, Lugh Martensen and Lena Lange, to create a small game where the player controls a ship transporting fabrics. It needs to avoid obstacles while also picking up cargo that another ship in front of it lost on its way. The player's ship speeds up continuously, so the difficulty increases over time. The game was made in Unity and the sprites were created in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. itch.io

Contact Me

Lübeck, Germany

Email: [email protected]
